Hey guys I hope everyone is doing well. It has been a while since I've posted here, but I'm always checking out your new games and animations here.
Speaking of new animations I did upload a new episode to Spider Powers. Check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/665448
The gaps between animations is primarily due to family, work, and other projects. Here are a few projects that are still in development hell. The first is an endless runner that we are trying to get out for mobile. It's very simple in design and concept. You are an egg and you have to jump, but you control 3 characters at once. I know original :p
The 2nd game in development is our Vampire Game. This is a 2D sidescrolling bossfight in the spirit of Castle Crashing the Beard. Most of the assets are created for both these games, it's just a matter of getting the code done.
All artwork and animations are done by myself. Programming is done by someone else. This Vampire Game has been started and restarted since 2009? We should really get these done in the next century.
Oh well I guess that's enough updates. I hope everyone's Halloween was fun and I look forward seeing more from you guys as well.
It's not the first time