I'm Drew. I like to Draw.

Age 42, Male

Flash Animator


Dallas, TX

Joined on 5/27/04

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CS4 is heart wrenchingly disappointing.

while the new tweens remove the need for motion guides and have a lot of potential, the controls for them are too convoluted and take up the whole screen.

the inverse kinematics could have been great, but they're way too buggy and the rigs break down if you do even one thing wrong.

it feels like some early beta release. hopefully they'll fix these problems in 5.

also - yeah, it does crash a lot. and i mean a LOT. it's the weakest cs4 program.

works on my mac just fine :D

PC foot in your Mac Ass!

Yeah I tried CS4 and thought it was pretty gay, I have Cs3 but I use Flash 8 more for some reason.

I still use Flash 8 aswell.
Flash 9 and 10 both run pretty slow on my 4-year old computer, and neither really has any features that I really like, and I also hate the new GUI.
Like are they aiming it at Mac users instead or something?
Also, I just learnt AS2 and don't want to start AS3 yet.

In CS4 I have all my windows in a box about 2cm^2. I have all the room in the world for my timeline and workspace and it's great. I can't see myself reverting to CS3 any time soon, ever. Lol.

I have a macbook pro, and while I haven't gotten to create a full movie in CS4, I haven't had the problems of frequent crashing or slowness. I am curious if flash just runs better on macs? When I had flash 8 on my PC, it crashed a little too frequently when working on larger files.

I love the new style of motion tweening, and it even still has the option of classical tweening. It's beginning to look a little more like After Effect's lay out. Ever since Adobe acquired Macromedia, it's been a lot easier to switch between the programs like Photoshop, making it easier to apply more advanced effects.

But I sympathize with those having problems. On paper, "new" should mean better, not glitchy :/. Just as long as it isn't the typical "it's new and is different, so I hate it!" kind of thing that people had with almost every new version of anything.

yeh its not just u i was making a flash (first one) with my tablet and cs4 crashed and somehow it broke my tablet(wtf?!?) and now it wont let me re-install cs3...... god dammit! im getting a mac.

I completely agree. I did the exact same thing you did. ;-;

Bawwww. Cry about it.

I thought we were?

I would use Flash 5 myself if Flash 8 didn't have the niftier library, AS2.0 and filters combined.

I switched back to CS3 for a little while, but I've gone back to CS4 now and after getting used to the new layout I think it's an improvement overall. It's still pretty crap that they fixed none of the bugs I frequently got in CS3, and made a few new ones. The new features are pretty unintuitive too, I'm still using classic tweening cause its a lot quicker, and haven't look twice at the new bone thingy and 3D features.

I can't go to using 8 because I NEED AS3! And I never have any problems with CS3 but CS4.... WHY ADOBE. It crashs like every other second! however I LOVE the new projects window. it's a real time saver. But I do new a program the can be used to properly animate things WITHOUT CRASHING!!! Also why is it that the bounding boxes for shape sometimes are like A MILLION miles away from the object! You can click on it a million times and never know you've acutally selected it.

CS3 for Animators!!!
CS4 for Actionscriptors!!!

with all that said I'm sticking to CS3!

you can put shit at the bottom tooo you can drag any panels anyware

Its not the same, they are made to fit in the right or left panels. Moving them anywhere else and the layout sucks.

and my comp is really crappy, eaven for a laptop, and it never crashes or slows down.

It might be OS problem
CS4 could run differently on XP and Vista

Couldn't you just downgrade again?
I mean,your CS3 is still there right?

Sigh, exactly. CS4 sucks. Mostly the layout. the new tools don't work half the time. though its not slow for me. Maybe, like Diamond armada, its because of my Mac :D. But the day I had it, I downgraded right the CS3. I started with 6, but since its AS (which I still never learned) and some tools sucked, I switched to CS3.

CS4 sucks on both Vista and XP EQUALLY!!!!!

I started on Flash MX Professional 2004.
Then I went with Professional 8, which is what I still use.

I tried CS3 several times but I just can't get over that stupid new clunky layout and the fact that you can only put ActionScript in frames... Not to mention Flash 8 is much faster.

It's kinda cool to know Tom and I both still use the same version of Flash. XD


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